Double Bass Top - Engelmann Spruce

from $507.00

Engelmann Spruce, most well known for its excellent tone quality, is an amazingly strong, light and flexible wood and has exceptional stiffness-to-weight ratio. It also has beautiful uniform colour, usually a cream to almost white. Tight and straight grain, with a fine and even texture. Specific gravity 0.33, Janka Hardness 390, picea engelmannii.

Approximate measurements:

356mm wide

55 mm thick at spine

1169mm long

Sold as a book-matched set. Request a specific log number or characteristic. You can use our log database to see what logs we offer.

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Engelmann Spruce Tonewood Grades

Grading of tone wood is very subjective to the eye and experience of the grader. The grade description below attempts to capture the major characteristics involved in assessing the soundboards and will be used as a guide.

Split: Premium grade, hand split, and straight grain.

Sawn #1:Medium to fine grain width with light colour and sawn vertical grain.

Sawn #2: May have small work around knots or minor run out. Often has more colour variation and wider grain.

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