Frequently asked questions.
I bought some instrument wood before, and now I want to reorder the exact same thing.
If you have found a specific piece of wood that you really like, we can often find you the exact same tree, or something very similar. When it is processed the tree is assigned a number. We also keep track of its specific qualities, such as specific gravity and gpi. So if you find something you like, you can always re-order it, or if it is no longer in stock we will find something similar. Feel free to browse our log database to see what might suit your build.
How do you grade tonewood?
Grading of tonewood is very subjective to the eye and the experience of the grader. The grade descriptions we use attempt to capture the major characteristics involved in assessing the soundboards and are used as a guide:
Premium grade, hand split, and straight grain.
Sawn #1
Medium to fine grain width with light colour and sawn vertical grain.
Sawn #2
May have small work around knots or minor run out. Often has more colour variation and wider grain.